Beatniks & Witches


Peering through a narrow barred window, at footpath level - I was privvy to the 'world of  the 'beatniks'! The dark shades; berets and black stockings, the bearded men and the lanky haired woman smoking cigarettes, fascinated me.  The music was definitely out of this world ... 'this basement of bohemians' at the top of Brougham Street was The El Rocco Jazz Cellar  hosted by Horst Leopold I decided then and there that this was the life for me.

2009 Site of the Old El Rocco

Aged about eight and I befriended an older called named Carol.  Carol lived in a huge house at the top of Brougham Street, number 179, referred to as 'The Palm Trees'. "A 'witch' lives in my house". Carol confided in me.  We hid and watched as 'the witch' came and went with  a tall gangly young man, (Gavin Greenlees).  Rosaleen Norton is her name Mum confirmed, and added, "Stay away from that house!"   

Dave Bruebeck "Take Five"

Rosaleen Norton's life and artwork Rosaleen Norton's books on the occult

A beautiful shot of Beatrice Miles .. I often saw her on the bus usually tirading or quoting Shakespeare. Beattie is purported to have dwelted in the tunnels under Rushcutter's Bay


  1. I like the look of your blog at the moment

  2. Thank you. Actually I was just admiring the simplicity of yours today the grey line around the photos is effective. I went to your 'rebuilding' (Clinton) section and the coast cam. also

  3. Anonymous22:09

    i always wanted to be a beatnik. born too late (just). mary travers was my idol too. oh how i wanted long, straight blonde hair. she was so cool. cool with a capital k. :) love both your pages. it's a mutual admiration society. as it should be of course. don't mind me, i'm in pain and over tired. worked late and went to dentist today. last one. yay. leaving for bali next tuesday. another yay. hope you are well. <3 xxx

  4. Hi yevisha, Cass wanted to be a 'beatnik' too. My girlfriend had a thick mane of curly black hair and made a much better looking 'beatnik' than I did ..
    Yep the 'old bp bloggers mutual admiration society' :) ..
    Well I hope you enjoy Bali and send us some photos.
